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Paid Work Experience


Paid Work Experience (PWE) is accepting applications

CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas Paid Work Experience program is a work-based learning and training program available to out of school youth (16-24) and adults living in Pinellas County. Participants must meet specific eligibility requirements for this program which may include barriers to employment such as a lack of work experience, foster care connected youth, significant gaps in work history, recently incarcerated individuals, and other criteria.  

CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas has teamed up with Pinellas County employers to provide a hands-on learning experience that pays competitive wages in high demand industries. If you’re looking to grow your resume, develop job readiness and life skills, and get paid while doing it, apply now! To learn more or sign-up today, complete the interest form below.

Out of school youth and adults living in Pinellas County who meet specific eligibility requirements.

As part of the Paid Work Experience program, additional opportunities include:

  • Paid training at employer work-sites which may lead to full-time, regular employment
  • Job readiness training including access to online learning
  • Job related supportive services, based on funding availability (assistance with tools, clothing, and transportation)
  • Connection with careers leading to self sufficiency.

Applications are accepted throughout the year.

First, fill out the online application. Once your application is received, you will be scheduled to attend an in-person orientation and meet with a career counselor to complete enrollment. After completing these steps, you will then work with our Business Services for placement at a participating employer training site.

Thank you for the summer employment opportunity! Not only did it allow me to earn money during the summer but it was a great learning experience for me as well. Because I want to go to college to be a veterinarian working at Boyd Hill Nature Park this summer allowed me some time outdoors and with many different wildlife animals.