CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas is your one-stop workforce services provider, offering a wide range of specialty programs within the Tampa area and Pinellas County.
Workers may be eligible for TAA services if they were laid off as a result of increased imports or if their companies shifted production out from the United States to certain foreign countries.
For more information about the TAA program, please click here.
If your job was moved overseas, Let’s turn your eligibility into opportunity
For Pinellas County Residents: Contact Local TAA Coordinator for questions: Enkeleda Zelka 727-608-2455
SNAP works to assist eligible participants to gain skills, training, experience and/or employment to increase their ability to become self-sufficient. To learn more click here.
WTP helps parents move from welfare to work. To learn more, please click here.
At this time, WIOA Program Funding is closed.
If you are out-of-school, between the ages of 18-24 and motivated to start a training program or begin a career, WIOA Youth Training can provide you with the skills you need! Click here to learn more.
Click here to link to your DCF ACCESS account, which requires a user ID and a password to review your case or benefits. This agency is unique and separate from CareerSource Pinellas. CareerSource Pinellas does not have access to the systems necessary to assist you with Department of Children and Families claims. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Employers may receive Fidelity Bonds, free-of-charge, as an incentive to hire hard-to-place job applicants. Bonds issued by the Federal Bonding Program help employers offset potential risks with the job honesty of at-risk job seekers (ex-offenders, persons in substance-abuse recovery, economically disadvantaged individuals lacking work history, etc). For information, please contact 727-524-4344 and ask for assistance with the Federal Bonding Program. For more information click here.
NPCEP helps parents pay child support, obtain employment and provides guidance through the first 180 days on the job.
As of January 1, 2016, the Re-employment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) program was replaced by the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program. The RESEA program helps Re-employment Assistance (RA) claimants who are most likely to exhaust their RA benefits before finding new employment. The program also helps transitioning veterans receiving Unemployment Compensation. Customers are randomly selected and mailed a letter notifying them of their appointment date and time. If you need to change your appointment please call 727-524-4344 and ask for assistance with the RESEA.
CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
All voice telephone numbers on this website may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.