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2025 Summer PAYS 


Summer P.A.Y.S. (Preparing Area Youth for Success) is a summer employment and training program for eligible Pinellas County residents. CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas has teamed up with local employers to provide a hands-on learning experience, giving students work experience in high-demand industries. Students will also have the opportunity to attend workshops to further develop valuable skills necessary for the workforce.

Eligible youth, who are placed with an employer will earn $15 per hour. Youth may work either part time or full time and will be dependent on both the youth’s availability and the employer’s needs. Students will build skills like teamwork, time management, leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. The skills and experience earned while working will allow you to build a resume and give you a leg up when you’re ready to enter the workforce.

Participating employers will be located throughout Pinellas County Florida. They will provide on the job training for positions that are in demand for our county.

6-Week Paid Internship
$15 Per Hour
Up to 20 Hours Per Week

6-Week Camp
$300 Per Week Incentive
Become a Business Owner

4-Week Virtual Exploration
$200 Per Week Incentive
Professional Development

    • Application opens February 7, 2025, If you are interested in learning new skills while earning for your time, please select Student Application below
    • Employment starts on or after June 16, 2025, and all employment will end by July 25, 2025.
      • Start and end dates may vary depending on funding and employer’s availability and needs.
  • Must be a Pinellas County resident.
  • Young adults ages (15-24) attending high school or out of school.
  • Students who receive free/reduce lunch with Pinellas County Schools – must provide a letter from the school showing approval.
  • Students whose household receives TANF or SNAP benefits from the Department of Children and Families – this is subsidized employment and will not affect these benefits.
  • Students whose household is at or below the income limits, which will be reviewed on a case by case basis

Parents may be asked to provide proof of income (6 weeks of pay stubs, proof of SSI/SSDI, verification of unemployment, and employment verifications forms)

Please note this subsidized employment will not affect TANF/SNAP household benefits.

Students & Parents

The link to apply for Summer PAYS (Pinellas county Only) is now available below

For Hillsborough County applicants, click here

    • We work with Manpower Staffing Solutions to handle all the payroll.
    • Once you’ve been determined eligible and approved for participation you will receive an email from Manpower to create an account on their website. Manpower will request specific documentation to ensure that you are paid for your work. Registration with Manpower is a requirement. This is where you will track your hours worked and receive copies of your pay stubs.


Thank you for the summer employment opportunity! Not only did it allow me to earn money during the summer but it was a great learning experience for me as well. Because I want to go to college to be a veterinarian working at Boyd Hill Nature Park this summer allowed me some time outdoors and with many different wildlife animals.
Raymond Lewis III
Summer P.A.Y.S. Participant, City of St. Petersburg